Congratulate me! I am an uncle!

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Logan Ripken Snider, fresh from the womb.

Though fate and hygiene have thus far prevented me from spawning any offspring of my own, I am pleased to report that my brother has picked up some of the slack has produced a man-child!

Logan Ripken Snider was born last Friday, March 2, in Orem, Utah, the second child of Jeff and Beth Snider. He weighed 7 lbs., 9 oz., which is about 30 pounds less than his sister, Lindsay, weighed when she was born a couple years ago. Lindsay was huge. She was so big she had to be delivered not by C-section but by FedEx. We thought Jeff and Beth — both tall folks, and Jeff is not what you’d call svelte — were going to populate the earth with a race of giants, but Logan is a bit more average in size, though apparently his feet are big. So maybe he’ll just be really tall.

Anyway, his middle name does indeed come from baseball Hall of Famer Cal Ripken Jr., who is one of Jeff’s heroes.

I’m an uncle thrice now (there’s also an adorable 7-year-old girl from a different Snider brother), and more pleased I could not be! Having nieces and now a nephew is even better than having kids of your own, because you don’t have to change their diapers.

Below are some pictures of the li’l slugger and his proud relatives.

Congratulations to Jeff and Beth, and congratulations most of all to me! The uncle! Uncle Eric! Me!

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Logan’s big sister and mommy hold him. Note that Logan has put his hands up defensively, already wary of the paparazzi who harass him.
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Lindsay, Logan, and Daddy. For cute!
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Logan with his Grandma Snider. She loves babies. If she still had a womb, it would be tingling right now.
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Jeff’s first attempt (of many, no doubt) at eating his new baby.
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Pretty much the sweetest picture ever.