Items of Mondayness

This week’s SR®, “Ribald for Your Pleasure,” is available for perusal. And what do you know, so is a new edition of Eric’s Time Capsule at, celebrating the 27th birthday of John Carpenter’s “The Thing.” This groundbreaking horror film spawned many sequels, including “The Item,” “The Stuff,” and “The What’s-It-Called.”

And hey, what do you also know, I forgot to pimp last week’s edition of Eric’s Ten-Year Itch at, which addressed Disney’s “Tarzan,” one of the first films I reviewed for the newspaper I worked at in those days, whatever it was called.

And hey, that’s it.

Mmm… Twitter….

This week’s “Snide Remarks,” including the audio version, is here.
The audio version (i.e., the podcast) is also here.
Subscribe to the podcast’s feed with this URL.