Portland-area Mormons! Do you want to hear me speak in public about being gay and Mormon, and tell stories on that subject from my BYU and “Snide Remarks” days, and perform some of my fun-time songs on the piano? You can! The power is within you!
Affirmation, a support group for LGBT Mormons and their allies, has invited me to speak at a regional conference in Portland on Friday, Jan. 13. The conference will last through the weekend, and registration is $50. BUT! If you only want to come to my part, Friday night, you can just show up and pay $10 at the door. That $10 includes the dessert social afterward, too, so it’s a bargain. You know how good Mormons are at refreshments and how good gays are at socials, so you can imagine their powers combined.
You don’t have to be gay or Mormon to attend, and there will be people there who are neither. I will say, however, that my presentation will be of little interest to non-Mormons. It’s really geared toward LDS people — gay ones in particular, but also straight Mormons who want to understand and support their gay friends (like me).
So local Mormon friends, I’d love to see you there. Come if you can. Dessert social!
Friday, Jan. 13
7 p.m.
First Christian Church
1314 SW Park Ave.
Portland OR 97201